So here is the background story. The spring of 2010 our house sold and we had to be out by April 30. We moved in with my parents thinking that we would be moving into our new house in early June. Well, to make a long story short, God had other plans and we ended up living with my parents till August 2010. They took us in and loved us, served us, and let us take over their house for those 4 months. We prayed and looked for the home that God would have us purchase and through a long series of paperwork and looking, we found THE house the we knew God wanted us to have. It is and has been more of blessing with each day that passes and we feel so blessed and unworthy to be in this home. All that to say, when we moved in I was 9 months pregnant with a very large baby boy and we moved and an basically just put things in places as much as we could to prepare for the arrival of Caden. Our garage took the wrath of unopened boxes, my trailer full of teaching stuff, and all the leftover junk that hadn't been paid attention to for months. Over the last year, Chris has done his best to reorganize the stuff in the garage and keep it somewhat walkable, but it was just easy fixes to the bigger problem of actually digging through and reorganizing every single thing in there. This project was much larger than the time we had and it has been something we both have wanted to do since we moved in. Well, here we are November of 2011 and we have actually started this process! It is a work in progress but our goal is to have this done and completely organized and accessible by next summer. Thanks to my hubby working a full day out there just starting the entire process we now have room to park a car in there! This is a big deal if you saw it before. :) Anyways, here are the pix of the work we got done today.....and hopefully a finished product pic will be coming in the next few months.

Here is a sweet picture of my little dancer.
And here is me with my babies while we watch Boz and cuddle. Love my cuddle times with my babies. So very blessed.
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