Saturday we celebrated Caden's 1st Birthday! Thank you friends and family for coming to celebrate with us. As I have prepared for his party and reflected on his first year, my heart is full of thankfulness and amazement that so much has happened in one year. I still feel so unworthy to have been given this gift of a son. The Lord has been so good to me and through this precious gift of a son, I have experienced His rich mercies and blessings everyday in very new ways. Walking into to his room everyday to be greeted with jumping, 'mama', and big smiles are the sweet blessings I look forward to every morning. Being able to cuddle with him for extended amounts of time with his head nuzzled in my neck, seeing his excitement with new discoveries as he scoots across the floor(or as we call it 'caden pelvic thrusts'---you know what I mean if you have seen it. :) ), watching him mimic his sister with his inflections and voice, seeing him persistently try to accomplish something new like crawling or walking, watching him with his daddy and the rough fun they already have, and being the only one at times to comfort him and calm him down are some of the most simplest joys God has shown and given me through my precious Caden this first year of his life. Thank you Lord for my Christopher Caden. Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you and are so very proud of the little man you already are. Our prayer for you this first birthday is the one we have been praying over you since we knew you were being formed. We pray that you Caden, will recognize your sin and your need for Christ and will come into a personal relationship with Him at an early age and that you will become a young boy, a young man, and a man after God's own heart. Happy Birthday!
Here are some pictures from the partay.....